Psychological Therapeutic Solutions

Stress at Work

Anyone can experience stress at work; it isn’t restricted to only those with the most high powered jobs or busiest schedules.

Health and Safety Executive, 2003 – Work related stress – what are the causes?

  • Demands of the job – level of workload and impossible deadlines
  • Under-utilisation of skills
  • High uncertainty in workplace – for instance poorly defined roles and targets, lack of job security
  • Conditions of workplace
  • Low interpersonal support
  • Individual susceptibility
  • Factors outside of the workplace

Stress tends to build over time, so no single factor is likely to be the cause of someone becoming stressed at work.

Early intervention is a crucial step in dealing with any stress related problem to prevent it from becoming more serious. It can be really helpful to look out for the following signs and take action should you see them.

Common signs that someone is stressed at work:

  • Increased absenteeism
  • Poor performance
  • Poor timekeeping
  • Increased consumption of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or drugs
  • Frequent headaches and backaches
  • Withdrawing from social contact
  • Poor judgement
  • Low energy and constant lethargy
  • Irritability, tearfulness or outbursts

What can Psychological Therapeutic Solutions do to help work related stress?

At Psychological Therapeutic Solutions we offer a tailor made approach to helping an organisation manage any stress at work issues they may have. The most common and often most helpful areas we can help with are:

Embed a sustainable education and management strategy into your organisation to deal with the sources of stress and minimise reoccurrences.

Equipping managers and staff with knowledge regarding the signs of stress can really help prevent problems in the future and encourage a healthy culture. Furthermore, training staff in mental health awareness is a proactive approach to employee wellbeing.

We can also provide therapy sessions which should enable employees to return to work

Business Solutions

When you are trying to introduce a new system you will always come across issues that you think may be impossible to get around. It is important that you realise that your organisation is not the first to undertake the change and may very well not be the first to experience this particular problem.  At Psychological Therapeutic solutions we can help your organisation manage stress within the workplace when during organisational change.

Useful links

Work Stress Testimonial

I sought help from Dr. Deborah Kingston during a very distressing period in my life. I had been exposed to significant trauma in my job over a number of years and was suffering and struggling to cope to the extent that it was having a negative and debilitating impact on my every area of my life. Deborah was recommended by a friend and although it took a huge amount of courage for me to make the first appointment, it was the best decision I made. I was diagnosed with PTSD which really helped me to make sense of my symptoms. Deborah has so much knowledge and skills, whilst attending regular sessions she provided me with a confidential and trusting environment where I was able to talk about my feelings and experiences which i had never been able to do before. I received treatment that enabled me to deal with some of those difficult experiences. Deborah provided me with valuable guidance and advice on what I needed to do to recover and get better, how to make important changes which then enabled me to make decisions regarding my future so that I could also then reconnect with important relationships in my life Therapy is and was not always an easy process but seeing Deborah gave me my life back where I am now able to live a happy, joyful life again. I would encourage anyone who is suffering from mental health problems to reach out and get help from Dr. Deborah Kinsgston.
THANK YOU Deborah.